
Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

Penuaan Dini Kulit

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Penuaan Dini Kulit

adalah proses penuaan yang lebih cepat dari seharusnya. Penuaan Kulit ini ditandai dengan adanya kerutan-kerutan kulit karena hilangnya elastisitas kulit.
Pada usia yg masih relatif muda (20 tahunan) pun kadang bisa terjadi proses ini . .
Untuk penyebab, ada 2 faktor yang mempengaruhinya, yaitu :
Faktor internal, contoh karena menderita penyakit yang berkepanjangan, 

dan Faktor Eksternal, contoh akibat paparan sinar matahari atau asap-asap polusi . .

1 komentar:

  1. Do you realize there's a 12 word phrase you can communicate to your man... that will induce intense feelings of love and impulsive attraction for you buried within his chest?

    Because deep inside these 12 words is a "secret signal" that triggers a man's impulse to love, please and care for you with his entire heart...

    ====> 12 Words That Trigger A Man's Love Impulse

    This impulse is so hardwired into a man's mind that it will drive him to try harder than before to to be the best lover he can be.

    In fact, fueling this powerful impulse is so mandatory to getting the best possible relationship with your man that the moment you send your man one of these "Secret Signals"...

    ...You will immediately find him open his heart and soul to you in a way he never experienced before and he will perceive you as the one and only woman in the galaxy who has ever truly attracted him.


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